Bronze statue for Section 28 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rejected by the government

A lavish statue for anti-gay British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been rejected.

An application for the life size bronze figure in Parliament Square was proposed by the Public Memorials Appeal.

However an official response from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, headed by Culture Secretary Karen Bradley, has opposed the plans.

Bronze statue for Section 28 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rejected by the government

Civil Servants say they fear a £300,000 statue for the former Tory PM could attract protests by opposing groups.

The ministry, which owns the strip of land where the statue is proposed, added that the bronze has not yet gained permission from the Thatcher family.

According to reports by The Sun, the ex-PM’s children, Carol and Mark Thatcher, also fear the vast statue would be vandalised by protestors.

A Royal Parks spokesman, said: “Numerous times we have requested assurances from the applicant that they have approval from the family for the statue.

“To date we have not had those assurances.”

Britain’s first female PM is notorious for her anti-LGBT attitudes while in power.

In 1988 Thatcher introduced Section 28, a law which banned the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality by local authorities in England and Wales.

Addressing Conservative Party conference about her plans, Thatche declared: “Children who need to be taught to respect traditional moral values, are being taught that they have an inaliable right to be gay.

“All of those children are being cheated of a sound start in life. Yes, cheated.”

The rule remained in place across England and Wales for 15 years – preventing thousands of LGBT young people from learning about themselves in schools and libraries.

A year before the ruling was introduced, negative attitudes towards homosexuality peaked in the UK.

Just one in ten Brits beleieved being gay was acceptable.