Ever been told homosexuality is unnatural? These 7 animals strongly disagree

The argument that same-sex relationships are somehow “unnatural” is often wheeled out by those opposed to gay rights – these animals prove that they couldn’t be more wrong.

Despite dozens of studies having found that thousands of species of animals entertain same-sex sexual activity, this ridiculous argument persists.

Same-sex activity is used in the animal kingdom for many reasons, ranging from pleasure-seeking to conflict solving. Many species form bonds for life with their same-sex partner.

Christians who oppose same-sex unions because they’re not in the Bible got red faced recently when a children’s book about the Genesis story of Noah welcoming two of each animal onto his ark accidentally depicted two male lions sneaking in there.

To the point – below are just seven examples of animals which exhibit same-sex sexual activity or partnerships.

Which is your favourite?


According to several studies, many male dolphins are bisexual.

Research scientists at the University of Massachusetts have concluded that male dolphins conduct intense social relationships and are found to engage in extensive bisexuality.

The researchers studied more than 120 bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Western Australia, and discovered relationships of a considerably more complex nature than previously thought. Co-author of the study, Richard Connor, told Discovery News that the dolphins engaged in extensive bisexuality, combined with periods of exclusive homosexuality.

Lots of male dolphins got together with other males, many mate for life, and at the loss of a partner, they are known to go into extensive mourning periods. Sad.

(Image: TIMM SCHAMBERGER/AFP/Getty Images)


Perhaps one of the more well known animals to form same-sex relationships, many different species of penguin in captivity and in the wild have partnered with a member of the same-sex.

One of the most recent was when Ireland’s first lesbian penguin couple set up a nest in the country’s only colony for gentoo penguins.

Back in 2012, two gay Gentoo Penguins which had for six years yearned to be parents, were given their own egg to rear in Madrid.

Same-sex pairings in penguins are so well known that even a children’s book, ‘And Tango Makes Three’, has been written about it. Sadly the book continues to be banned around the world, despite being very cute.


According to research, lots and lots of Giraffe sex happens between males.

One study even found that 94% of observed sexual activity in giraffes happened in male same-sex pairings.

Male giraffes have a unique way of flirting which is called “necking” (not the same as in Geordie Shore).

As well as using necking to assert dominance, and to establish a hierarchy, giraffes also rub each others necks, sometimes to the point of arousal. After necking, sometimes for up to an hour at a time, males sometimes mount each other to reach climax.

Sadly for female giraffes, this even takes place when there are both males and females around. In its more extreme form, necking involves male giraffes swinging their necks violently towards one another. Nobody gets hurt though, usually…

(Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)

Vicki Pattison

Vicky Pattison – not two giraffes ‘necking’


One of the human race’s closest ancestors, the dwarf chimpanzee, is very comfortable in same-sex relationships.

Otherwise known as bonobos, the species is entirely bisexual.

Dwarf chimpanzees often use sex as a way to solve conflicts, rather than violence.

And look at how cute they are…


Counting down more…

Image: Hendrik Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images


Perhaps not the sexiest of creatures, snails are a recent addition to the sexually and gender-diverse world of the animal kingdom.

The Aegista diversifamilia snail, which was discovered as a species of its own, around ten years ago, was named after the global equal marriage movement.

Boasting both male and female reproductive organs, the snail was hailed as a symbol of diversity.

Dr Yen-Chang Lee, co-author of the paper describing the species, said: “They represent the diversity of sex orientation in the animal kingdom. We decided that maybe this is a good occasion to name the snail to remember the struggle for the recognition of same-sex marriage rights.”

(Photo: JANEK SKARZYNSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

*Bonus* Some hermaphroditic land snails actually have a detachable “love dart” penis which they fire at each other during courtship. So when they are not being awesome and non-gender/sexuality conforming, they are having fun stabbing each other with their penises…


…Not the kind you are thinking of. Bears have been observed in same-sex activity.

Various species of bear including Brown Bears and Black Bears have been observed pairing up in same-sex partnerships.

Two male bears were last year observed regularly having oral sex at a wildlife sanctuary in Croatia.

(Photo: UWE ZUCCHI/AFP/Getty Images)


Insects, arachnids

Billions of insects and arachnids are thought not to discriminate between male and female when choosing partners, in an attempt to avoid missing out on a potential mate.

Others think the behaviour, observed in hundreds of species of insects and arachnids, could just be innate.

So the next time you get freaked out by a huge spider – just think – they might be gay.

Unless it’s a Brazilian Wandering Spider, the bite of which can give men a painful 4-hour long erection… and the kill him. Best avoid that one…

Hey girl! (Image: Imgur)