Gay man gets family back

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A gay man who had been force to choose between custody of his son or living with his partner has now been given permission to live with both of his loved ones.

A Montgomery Court Judge yesterday lifted a 2002 cohabitation ban on Karl Ulf Hedberg, which let him live with his son on the basis that his partner moved out.

The father’s lawyer, Susan Silber, told the Baltimore Sun, “To me it is just horrible, shocking, that they had to go to these lengths to live together.”

“What is quite amazing is the family persevered for this long.”

The ruling came after Judge William J. Rowan III’s saw evidence that the earlier order had harmed his 13 year old son, and had created financial hardships by turning a two parent home into a one parent household.

Legal experts predict the case will have a big impact on America’s gay community.