This Republican Governor’s attempt to put-down Obama failed miserably

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

As US President Barack Obama took to the stage to make his State of the Union address, this Republican Governor attempted a harsh put down. Unlucky for him it backfired.

President Obama last night made a historic State of the Union address, in which he used the words “lesbian”, “gay”, “bisexual” and “transgender” for the first time.

Tweeting sarcastically about the address, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal attempted a put-down. Attempting to sum-up the speech, Jindal made a catastrophic grammatical error, writing: “I’ll save you 45 mins”, and ending the tweet with “Your [sic] welcome.”


The internet, of course, wouldn’t let him get away with the error, with the vast majority of responses to Jindal’s tweet simply reading “*you’re”.

Jindal is listed to speak at a summit for an anti-gay Catholic group that believes homosexuality can be ‘cured’ later this month.

In 2013, he defended a personality from a reality TV series after he received heavy criticism and was suspended for comparing homosexuality to bestiality in an interview.

He previously said the Republican Party did not need to support same-sex marriage in order to gain support.

Towards the end of his speech last night, while discussing human rights, Mr Obama said:”That’s why we defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. We do these things not only because they are the right things to do, but because ultimately they will make us safer.”