New project for black gay men seeks volunteers

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A grant from the Big Lottery Fun has allowed sexual health charity GMFA to launch a new three-year project targeting group that are disproportionately affected by HIV.

Big Up, the black gay men’s volunteer group at GMFA, will be carrying out research to investigate the sexual health needs of black gay men, and in turn provide them with better services.

New volunteers are needed to become involved in peer education projects, developing culturally appropriate HIV awareness interventions and outreach programmes, aimed at other black gay men, including those men who have sex with men but don’t identify as gay.

Black gay men are almost twice as likely as white British gay men to be living with HIV.

“The HIV prevention needs of gay men and of African communities are acknowledged, but black gay men are disproportionately affected by HIV and there is little work that acknowledges both their ethnicity and sexuality,” said Matthew Hodson, Head of Programmes for GMFA.

“We are delighted that with the generosity of the Big Lottery Fund the Big Up group are able to continue their work in addressing the inequalities black and ethnic minority gay men experience in regards to their sexual health needs.

“This project will not only provide new services, but ensure that we are able to deliver targeted health work that black gay communities identify as needed.”

The project aims to reduce the transmission of HIV among the black gay community.

GMFA said all people, irrespective of ethnicity, sexuality or HIV status, are invited to get involved as volunteers.

If you are interested in getting involved in Big Up, or volunteering for GMFA, contact: [email protected].